ARESYNC | Top four Digital content marketing trends for 2023

Content will always stay in style when attracting and converting customers. When done right, content marketing is inexpensive and practical (or accessible) to give your target audience the necessary information.

In 2023, content marketing will continue to evolve (building on 2022 content and SEO trends in a new way). Beyond the formats used to engage audiences (long form and short form) and the emergence of TikTok as an effective marketing platform, marketers' rapid use of AI will increase productivity, especially content-intensive writing Marketers can fight the dreaded blank page syndrome.

So look at the top content marketing trends for 2023 and find out which ones you should focus on or test to see if they can boost your productivity. Read on to discover these top trends.

Short, engaging and mobile videos

Strengthening the creative economy

Artificial intelligence and collaboration in marketing

Long-form live video content

Short, engaging videos

The video has been recognized as important content for years, and brands are using it across all channels, especially on social media. According to the Content Benchmark Report 2023, more than half of marketers consider video the most valuable type of content.

As a result, all social media platforms, including traditional text-based platforms like LinkedIn, are prioritizing video content and algorithms, according to Alison Batisby, consultant and founder of Avocado Social.

2022 is the year of full-screen, immersive mobile video entertainment, and if you're producing video in 2023, you need to think vertically. We will see more and more examples of brands experimenting with this format in an organic context and paid advertising.

Battersby believes that the most innovative brands will test their creativity first in organic terms and promote the best-performing content. This trend is already well-established with TikTok. Video views and likes are skyrocketing, so why not consider upgrading your videos?

Why choose DMI?

The explosive growth of the creative economy

Our Top Digital Marketing Trends 2023 blog noted that the creative economy would continue to grow and change. This explosion will lead to fierce competition among brands to attract and retain the best creatives across all platforms.


Why? Brands seek to fill content gaps and keep up with the latest trends. But they sometimes need to gain the knowledge or skills to move fast enough or do it well enough to drive engagement and conversion.

"Creator connections are more reliable, and creator profiles drive more engagement than brand profiles. So think about using creators as part of your brand marketing. Can you offer them product reviews? Can you invite creators to events? Or co-create content, such as popular audio recordings, Batisby says.

Fortunately, social media is making it easier for brands to find relevant, quality creators-Instagram recently launched Creator Portfolios, where creators can share unique stories on their profiles and collaborate on positioning those stories.

According to MIT Technology Review, YouTube has announced a 45% revenue share for short videos on YouTube.

The collaboration between artificial intelligence and marketing

. However, as the demand for personalization increases, AI will play an increasingly important role in content creation.

Many new AI-based solutions are coming to market. For example, Uber Suggest uses AI to help create blog posts, helps create blog and social media posts, and Chat GPT trains conversational interactions and integrates with Zapier to schedule blog and social media content and create images and videos. With these new technologies, marketers must learn how to fuel conversations and generate insights to improve their content.

"We're seeing people use AI in emails, copywriting, email subject lines and even ad copy, " said Matt Santos, VP of product and strategy at Neil Patel Brands.

 It's an excellent tool for overcoming writer's block because your brain starts working as soon as you look at the words on the page. It is what artificial intelligence looks like today.

In 2023, we'll see advances through more significant investments in software and machine learning. There will be advances in natural language processing and other areas, and we will soon see AI creating high-quality content that we will need to maintain and edit in minutes.

Despite these advances, Santos said that "it's infrequent to find an AI that can write a perfect blog post from start to finish. I think we're still a few years away from that goal, and by 2023, AI will be used to create the first article or finalize a section, but it should still be an integral part of humanity."

Becoming a world-class digital marketer

Long-form content and live video

Many marketers believe in short-form content and favor it to increase interaction and engagement. However, ignoring long-form content is a mistake.

Long-form content, such as blogs, e-books and webinars, are helpful for search engines and backlink building: According to a Backlink study, articles over 3,000 words get 77% more backlinks.

And what about longer videos? According to Google executives, about 40% of young people use TikTok and Instagram to find places to eat rather than searching Google Maps. Therefore, creating location-based videos can attract and direct people to your website or brand.

Battersby has also had great success creating long-form videos for businesses on LinkedIn. LinkedIn Live has become an increasingly powerful tool in recent years: it's becoming easier to host live broadcasts, webinars and professional chats on LinkedIn.

Audio content, such as podcasts, is also available. The popularity of this format has grown in recent years: according to Pod news, U.S. podcast sales are expected to reach nearly $1.5 billion by 2021, and 38 per cent of monthly listeners in the U.S. are now podcasters, up from 14 per cent a decade ago in 2012.

Monthly podcast listeners in  U.S

The growing demand for voice, ownership of smart devices such as Alexa and Homey, and the social app Clubhouse (voice-based) will further increase the number of people listening to audio content. Brands should capitalize on this trend and ensure their content resonates on these channels.

Content marketing trends in 2023.

Content is a valuable tool for any business, large or small. Understanding your target audience and using all available means to create relevant and useful content is critical.

 Experiment, create and be bold to increase your content marketing effectiveness in 2023.



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